Dear Users,
In March of this year, we suspended our memberships for a brief period of time because a number of our users were experiencing slow buffering times and viewer crashes. This was a low point for us and for those relying on our material to help prepare for the April exam. To make up for it as best we could, we offered refunds to everyone affected.
Because we take quality, ease of access, and user experience very seriously, we’ve made strides to ensure that no additional users will be so inconvenienced at such a pivotal time in their careers. To solve the issue of viewer crashes, we shifted servers, and are happy to report a massive reduction in crashes. Compared to the daily crashes in March, we have only had one since our server shift in August.
While the server shift should also reduce the slow buffering times for the majority of our users, just in case, we’ve partnered with Neologica to bring you a secondary option. In addition to our standard in-browser option – the RemotEye Lite DICOM viewer – you may now interact with our long cases directly on your desktop via NeoLogica’s RemotEye DICOM viewer.
Happy studying!
The FRCR Longs Team